Welcome to season 2024/25! Preseason dates have been announced as detailed below.
Payment can be made on the night or in a bulk payment at the following link https://www.beaumariscricketclub.com.au/product-page/junior-preseason-payment
For further information please contact age group coordinators below.
Boys U12 & Rookies (Coordinator Dieter Halden: 0490 024 656)
When: Wednesday nights 4.30-5.30pm (1hr)
Sessions: 21st & 28th August, 4th, 11th & 18th September (5 sessions)
$15 per session (or $75 one off payment via club website shop)
Venue: CricketHQ, 51-53 Levanswell Road, Moorabbin
Boys U14 & U16 (Coordinator Jack Dyer: 0413 274 367)
When: Tuesday nights 4.30-6pm (1.5hrs)
Sessions: 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th August, 3rd, 10th, 17th September (7 sessions)
$20 per session (or $140 one off payment via club website shop)
Venue: YoungGun Cricket, 32 Levanswell Rd, Moorabbin
Girls U12, U14, U18 & Senior Women (Coordinator Adam Ryan: 0418 325 387)
When: Wednesday nights 4.30-6pm (1.5hrs)
Sessions: 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th August, 4th, 11th, 18th September (7 sessions)
$20 per session (or $140 one off payment via club website shop)
Venue: YoungGun Cricket, 32 Levanswell Rd, Moorabbin
Senior Men (Secretary - Will Newman: beaumariscricketclub@gmail.com)
When: Tuesday nights 8.30-10pm (1.5hrs)
Sessions: 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th August, 3rd, 10th September (6 sessions)
$20 per session (or $140 one off payment via club website shop)
Venue: YoungGun Cricket, 32 Levanswell Rd, Moorabbin
We look forward to seeing you there and can't wait for season 24/25 to start!